Channel: Rubik's
Category: Gaming
Tags: rubic cubesolve rubik cubesolve rubik’s cuberubik cube championshipssolve rubic cube rubik’s cube championshipsrubics cube championshipsspeed cubingrubik's speed cuberubik cuberubic cube championshipssolve rubics cuberubix cuberubics cuberubic’s cubesolve rubic’s cuberubik cuberscubersrubiks cube championshipsrubik's cubersrubik’s cuberubiks cubesolve rubiks cuberubic’s cube championships
Description: Twist, turn, and solve the world-famous 3x3 Rubik’s Cube! This must-have puzzle is perfect for puzzle lovers or anyone seeking a fun challenge! This classic color-matching puzzle is a great mental challenge at home or on the move. Turn and twist the sides of the cube so that each of the six faces only has one color. Over “43 Quintillion” moves are possible with this original 3x3 stickered Rubik's Cube, but there is only one solution! WHERE TO BUY: Amazon: